I just got MM and ready to try it on an existing mix. I've inserted it on all the tracks and set them to 0 but what about existing busses? Do I put in on the busses too? Should I do a MM mix on the tracks first and then the busses or do tracks and busses at the same time? What's the best procedure? I watched the video but it didn't mention busses.
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For a Horn Buss I would begin at -25LUFS...if they need to sit more in the background drop a level-plane to -30LUFS...or even -35LUFS if need be.
1. For presets what does (dual) mean like Todd's B3 (dual)? or multi-mono?
2. In the Xtra presets what does COMP mean like COMP - Bass? Compressor? Comped track?
3. For something like a horns buss am I further off picking something like Keyboard Buss preset or just the regular Horns preset?
Thanks. I broke down and read the manual and saw that it covered my question. 😀
Yes...Mix monolith your tracks first, then your stereo busses. Finally, place a Monolith on your master buss to control your final output.